exhausted woman falling asleep on table

7 Daily Habits That Are Draining Your Energy

Our habits are the foundation of who we are. They determine our lives. However, if we constantly feel low energy and fatigue, that could mean our daily practices negatively affect our lifestyle. Even though you might be a person who continually seeks improvement, it’s worth looking at your habits if you often feel tired. To solve the problem, we must be aware of what makes us feel overwhelmed or worn out. This article covers seven daily habits that are draining your energy you need to be mindful of if you want to start making changes.

The list of habits to avoid

What we do and how we do it influence every aspect of our lives, productivity, and even personality. We want to make you aware that the things you take for granted (your routines)is what primarily affects the way you feel.

If you wish to have more energy for your kids, for studying or doing work on projects, you have the power to make changes at your own pace. Sometimes, all you will need is to find a way to start your day fresh. You will need to find the right morning routine to start your day with an energy boost. For instance, if you are used to hitting the ‘snooze button’ multiple times, start by practicing getting up when the first alarm goes off. This is a small thing that will make you feel accomplished first thing in the morning, which sets a good tone for the rest of the day. Whatever detrimental habits you identify, you can choose to replace them. 

So, let’s take a look at the seven most common daily habits that prevent you from increasing your productivity and happiness.

1. Not getting enough sleep or sleeping too much

Not getting enough sleep is probably the most obvious thing that makes you feel tired. Unfortunately, it is easy to fall victim to the cycle of not getting proper rest. After a night of poor sleep, we continue to catch up with our obligations by working overtime. Both of which make us more tired.

On the other hand, sleeping too much won’t increase your energy either., too much sleep makes you feel lethargic.

person lying on a couch under a blanket

2. Taking things too personally

We know. It’s easier said than done. Yet, it somehow seems we are designed to act this way. However, if you measure the hundreds of hours overthinking has cost you in the past few years, you would think twice.

Attributing every interaction to how that person feels about you is exhausting and usually not true. We interpret a particular meaning to what people say, which doesn’t necessarily mean we are right. It usually isn’t about us. Therefore, having this attitude won’t help the situation.

On the other hand, if you slowly work on not taking things personally, it will save you a lot of stress and help you start working on your self-care

3. Dwelling on the past

On average, between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts cross our minds daily. The shocking fact is that most of those thoughts are negative. We either think something terrible will happen in the future or hold grudges about something we can’t change anyway.

4. Low water intake

It is a widely known fact that dehydration negatively affects our brain functions. This is because we easily forget to drink enough water or fail to notice we are thirsty.

Dehydration often leads to losing focus, feeling irritation, and feeling restless. Therefore, always having a water bottle with you is an easy way to remember to get enough water intake.

5. Worrying

Worrying doesn’t help in problem-solving. If something is out of your hands, it’s essential to know when to let go since there’s no point in worrying about it.

If you can do something about a worrying situation, it’s better to take action and stop being pessimistic. Being in a state of worrying is a waste of energy. Instead, it’s better to focus on what you can solve.

Furthermore, you could seek for ways to calm your anxiety. Some of the best ways to cope with worrying are practicing focused, deep breathing, using aromatherapy, going on daily walks, doing yoga, journaling, etc. 

a woman looking worried

6. Having a poor diet

If you have a rushed lifestyle and are forced to eat out regularly, you most probably have a poor diet. If you eat your meals out instead of cooking at home, you are likely consuming more junk food than your body can handle.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to be thoughtful about what you eat. This is because the food you consume can also give you much-needed energy, such as greens, healthy fats, and proteins. 

a woman holding a cup of coffee and a bagel

So, keep in mind that making your diet a priority is essential for your overall health. You can make an effort to get rid of unhealthy and processed foods and choose more vegan options.

7. Being in a hostile environment

Even though you cannot control other people, you can control who you include in your life. People who tend to see negative things in others and complain a lot can affect your thoughts negatively.

Additionally, being pessimistic about a particular situation is part of the problem. No matter if you are the one who is antagonistic towards others or you have someone close to you who is this way, it is energy-consuming.

Being in a hostile environment prevents you from flourishing and wears you down. So, it’s up to you to do something about this. It can be a difficult habit to break, but not impossible. For instance, you can start by asking yourself whether the person, environment, or stimulation in question incites you to achieve what you want. If your answer is ‘no,’ then it’s probably best not to be in that environment. 

This doesn’t mean you should completely cut off everything negative in your life. Instead, we suggest you can choose to be somewhere else when negativity starts to wear you down.

Final thoughts on habits that are draining your energy

You should always have respect for your energy. Consider it as a precious substance that can quickly be gone. You have a limited daily supply and should treat it as such. Nevertheless, you are the one who can limit habits that are draining your energy by focusing on replacing or changing them. You can choose to start meditating or be more active and drink water. Anything you do towards your well-being is a significant investment, and being aware of the habits that negatively affect you is a great place to start.

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